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Republican fundraising calls after the reciprocity fiasco!
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Author:  Greg [ Mon May 21, 2007 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Republican fundraising calls after the reciprocity fiasco!

I've now had at least six fundraising calls from the MN Republican Party since the fiasco with the Pawlenty administration over the broken campaign promises about reciprocity.

I just politely tell them that I'm not donating any more money because the governor doesn't keep his campaign promises. Usually they ask me what I mean and I tell them that during the campaign Pawlenty promised to clean up the reciprocity mess by 1 Jan 2007 in return for our support and that he hadn't done it until April and then only gave us half of what was promised after being publicly beat up over it.

The last time, today, the woman who called me said that she'd heard a lot of the same thing lately and that they'd pass it along to the governor.

Maybe they are finally getting the message!

I urge any of you who get fundraising calls to tell them no, and why. Be polite but clear. Politicians have nothing to sell but their word and if that's not good, what use are they?

It may be time to stop voting for the lesser of two evils and work for a viable third party.

Author:  Scott Hughes [ Mon May 21, 2007 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will tell them (politely) they should not expect a dime anytime soon.

Between the reciprocity bull, not standing up for property rights (smoking ban), gas tax increase, etc.. the GOP in this state is RHINO only with but a few exceptions.

Now if they can get some true conservatives on board I may be inclined to support.

Author:  cobb [ Mon May 21, 2007 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, you guys are cool.

The last 2 times any Republican party reps called me looking for money, we went from me asking questions, to a debate and then ended in an actual argument on the Republican platform and double talk.

I keep telling them I am voting libertarian or independent.

They tell me that my vote could be considered wasted, and then I remind them of Jesse Ventura. Jesse did one good and major thing in my mind, he ran as an independent and got elected, unimaginable. :shock:

I will start asking them about the reciprocity mess and promises that were not followed through with.

Author:  halvey [ Tue May 22, 2007 5:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Scott Hughes wrote:
I will tell them (politely) they should not expect a dime anytime soon.

Between the reciprocity bull, not standing up for property rights (smoking ban), gas tax increase, etc.. the GOP in this state is RHINO only with but a few exceptions.

Now if they can get some true conservatives on board I may be inclined to support.
When did Pawlenty or any GOP sign on for the gas tax increase?

Author:  flyt100 [ Tue May 22, 2007 6:53 am ]
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There were a few in the GOP that signed on.

Here is a quick summary of the voting:

Author:  halvey [ Tue May 22, 2007 7:39 am ]
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I couldn't find the list of the House members who voted for the override. But I think they needed 8 if I remember right. I know Dennis Ozment voted for the tax, but wouldn't vote for the override. I think he locally said he wanted to send the message we need more trans funding, but would stick with the gov. Sure, playing both sides.

Still, in this state getting a true conservative is rare. Phil Krinkie even lost in his "conservative" district. While I like the idea of a 3rd party, Ventura won because he's Jesse Ventura. What % did Peter Hutchinson get? I still think it's a better idea working your local R canidate than trying to get a 3rd party in. Funny, but if you donate the $100 to their campaign (which you can get a refund on), they listen to you real closely.

Author:  Ramoel [ Tue May 22, 2007 1:02 pm ]
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They listened carefully when I told them they weren't getting any money this year and why. Told them not to call back again and they haven't done that either. We usually got a call every couple of weeks before.

I'm still a Republican and usually vote that way. I'm sure I'll be giving $$ again in the future but not until I feel better about what the Republicans are doing.

Author:  joelr [ Wed May 23, 2007 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Split

New/third/libertarian party issues split over to the non-gun freefire zone. Nothing wrong with talking about it, but Greg reported what I think is a terribly important development -- the Republican fundraisers having heard what damage ScottWigginsOfTheGovernorsOffice has done to the Pawlenty administration's ability to get support -- and I'd much rather we focus on that here.

Author:  joelr [ Wed May 23, 2007 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republican fundraising calls after the reciprocity fiasc

Greg wrote:
I've now had at least six fundraising calls from the MN Republican Party since the fiasco with the Pawlenty administration over the broken campaign promises about reciprocity.

I just politely tell them that I'm not donating any more money because the governor doesn't keep his campaign promises. Usually they ask me what I mean and I tell them that during the campaign Pawlenty promised to clean up the reciprocity mess by 1 Jan 2007 in return for our support and that he hadn't done it until April and then only gave us half of what was promised after being publicly beat up over it.

The last time, today, the woman who called me said that she'd heard a lot of the same thing lately and that they'd pass it along to the governor.

Maybe they are finally getting the message!

I urge any of you who get fundraising calls to tell them no, and why. Be polite but clear. Politicians have nothing to sell but their word and if that's not good, what use are they?

It may be time to stop voting for the lesser of two evils and work for a viable third party.
Good. For those who haven't noticed, Greg -- and obviously others -- have gotten the attention of the fundraisers by keeping the message simple. Not "there's a whole bunch of things I'm dissatisfied about", but "not a dime from me until the reciprocity fiasco is cleared up."

Folks can, of course, do what they want, but I think it's clear that we'll get better attention to this issue if we can focus on it when the fundraisers call.

After all, keeping the deal is just plain good policy, good politics -- and it won't cause the Pawlenty administration anything, except some major embarrassment to ScottWigginsOfTheGovernorsOffice for acting above his pay grade . . . and that should be a small price to pay.

Author:  1911fan [ Wed May 23, 2007 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I as well, have gotten several calls just in the past two weeks or so, where they were talking about the close of the session and the need to get more republicans back into office and I responded that I was done writting checks to the MRP until they 'fessed up and fixed what "chief" wiggins had done.

I was surprised when the young woman told me I was the third person of her shift who had expressed similar feelings about the way the Gov. had handled things. I asked directly if they had a feed back form for why people were choosing not to give to the party and she said yes. I told her in very polite but very firm language that not giving was painful to me, but that I saw no other course of action until Tim and his staff fixed what had been promised to us.

I find it interesting that theMNGOP website no longer has the email of Ron Carey or Eric Hoplin up on the website. I believe that Tim Gould
who is political action coordinator, might be the best to send complaints directly to. TGG at mngop dot com

Hope all of us sending him emails might start rocking the party boat.

Author:  bkrafft [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just got a fund-raising letter from Kurt Zellers (Asst. Republican leader) asking for assistance to 'help fight against these gun-banning zealots' and this is what I plan on replying with (comments are welcomed)

Dear Rep. Zellers,

Thank-you for your letter of June 4 requesting financial support to help oppose anti-gunners like Nora Slawick in the Legislature. Unfortunately until the permit to carry reciprocity mess is cleared up the GOP will not be getting one more dime from me.

If you are not familiar with this issue, briefly: Before the election Gov. Pawlenty assured the gun community that if we supported him, the issues with recognition of permits to carry from other states would be cleared up by Jan. 1 of 2007. It still isn't cleared up. For a more detailed version, see Joel Rosenberg's account at .

I reiterate: until Gov. Pawlenty keeps his word, I will not give one more penny to the GOP.

Thank-you for your time.


Bruce W. Krafft.

Thoughts? Comments?

Author:  joelr [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:32 pm ]
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Author:  matt160 [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:48 am ]
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Author:  Srigs [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:14 am ]
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That is one way to get there attention. Maybe it will work.

Author:  Brewman [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

If money (or the lack therof) doesn't get their attention, nothing probably will. Excellent strategy, and I will employ it myself.

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