- Joel Rosenberg (and, and were the web sites of Joel Rosenberg, an author, firearms instructor, gun rights advocate, father, husband, friend, gourmet, raconteur, provocateur and gadfly.Joel passed away unexpectedly on June 2, 2011.
Beyond his novels, Joel wrote prolifically, on blogs and on his forum, on gun rights issues. Here are just a few of his pieces.A Probably Apocryphal Story
Joel writes about banning guns in synagogues
The Burglar, the Knife, and the Gun
This was a "nice" neighborhood
Joel was the author of more than two dozen books.Visit the
Joel Rosenberg Bookstore
Joel Rosenberg Bookstore
One of Joel's lasting legacies was the Twin Cities Carry Forum. For years, it was THE online gathering place for gun rights in Minnesota. To preserve that legacy, a permanent, static archive of that site is maintained here:Visit the
Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive
Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive
The tradition continues; in 2009, the users and forums of TwinCitiesCarry found a new home at the Minnesota Carry Forum.
Visit the
Minnesota Carry Forum
Minnesota Carry Forum
Joel was a highly-regarded trainer, providing Minnesota Permit to Carry classes and Beginner-To-Carry classes since 2003. His book, Everything You Need to Know About (Legally) Carrying a Handgun in Minnesota is still the definitive text for carry in Minnesota.Andrew Rothman, owner of this site, was a good friend and long-time student of Joel's, and was fortunate to have Joel's input while creating both the Minnesota Association of Defensive Firearm Instructors' instructor certification course and the Minnesota Gun Training carry course.